Saturday, December 24, 2011

Do They Know It's Christmas?

Since 1984, when Christmas time comes, this song will come to my mind. 27 years past on, there's still hunger not just in Africa, but all around the world, even in our prosperous Great Nation. The message of this song is strong. There are people out there who needs our help and we cannot play blind and pretend not to see it. This song I dedicate to those who never heard of Christmas and they will hear it in their heart. Have a Merry Christmas!
打從1984年開始每年的聖誔我的心都會響起這首歌,27個寒暑已過,肌荒仍在,即使富裕國家也有無數人在捱餓.很多謝這歌帶出的一個信息,在我們所居住的地球上總有人需要有心人的幫助,我們豈可坐視不理. 我懇將這歌送给從未過過聖誔節的人收聽,願他們在心中也感受到那份暖意. 聖誔快樂!

1 comment:

in the sea said...

Agreed that there are indeed a large no. of people who still suffer from some basic things in life - food and water. We are very lucky to have a place to sleep and food to eat. Shouldn't complain anymore. Happy New Year to you!